




  • 執行期限:202311日至20231231日止。
  • 本專題研究計畫為一年期,每位教師以核定一件為限,由計畫主持人依研究專長研提。


  • 申請人資格:
    • 計畫主持人須為兩校專任或專案教研人員。第三方機構研究人員得經本校與ITB雙方計畫主持人同意後參與研究計畫。
    • 每件計畫由兩校各一位計畫主持人共同提出。        
    • 計畫主持人具有下列情形之一者,不得提出申請:

1. 曾獲本項計畫補助,未於執行期滿後辦理結案及繳交成果報告者。

2. 曾獲本項計畫補助,未於執行期滿後二年內由主持人共同合著論文發表於SCISSCIA&HCI期刊者。




  • 研究人事費:依本校相關規定編列,且計畫主持人不得編列主持費。
  • 儀器設備費。
  • 業務費。
  • 國際差旅費。




1. 本校教師:請將計畫申請書email至研發處傅維芳b10207@mail.ntust.edu.tw,分機6786

   (ITB計畫申請系統MyPPM (https://myppm.itb.ac.id/)僅供其校內人員使用)

  1. 計畫凡涉及人體試驗者,應檢附醫學倫理暨人體試驗委員會核准文件一份;涉及基因重組相關實驗者,應檢附生物實驗安全委員會核准之基因重組實驗申請同意書一份;涉及動物實驗者,應檢附動物試驗委員會同意書一份。


  • 計畫執行結束應依規定完成經費結報並繳交研究成果報告後始為結案。
  • 成果報告應於計畫執行期滿後2個月內繳交,以作為日後申請審議之參考。
  • 計畫主持人須參與兩校共同辦理之成果發表會,並親自進行口頭報告。 
  • 計畫執行期間任一方主持人如因故無法繼續執行計畫,應取得另一方計畫主持人(校方)同意後始得變更計畫主持人,新計畫主持人應負擔計畫執行之所有責任與相關KPI


  • 計畫執行結束後2年內,應完成正式刊登相關研究成果於SCISSCIA&HCI期刊,至少發表1SJR領域排名Q2以上之論文。
  • 期刊發表應由計畫主持人及共同主持人擔任第一作者或通訊作者。
  • 若研究成果有多篇論文發表,共同主持人之列名及排序應參酌其參與程度決定。
  • 其餘研究成果作者排序,由共同參與之研究人員依實際參與貢獻程度協商後決定。
  • 研究成果發表時,若該研究計畫由印尼萬隆理工學院方主導,請註明『印尼萬隆理工學院與國立臺灣科技大學學術合作專題研究計畫經費補助』,英文全名為 Institut Teknologi Bandung - National Taiwan University of Science and Technology Joint Research Program(ITB-NTUST-No. XXXX),簡稱為ITB-NTUST Joint Research Program。若該研究計畫由國立臺灣科技大學方主導,請註明『國立臺灣科技大學與印尼萬隆理工學院學術合作專題研究計畫經費補助』,英文全名為National Taiwan University of Science and Technology - Institut Teknologi Bandung Joint Research Program(NTUST-ITB-No. XXXX),簡稱為NTUST-ITB Joint Research Program







研究發展處 計畫業務服務中心

傅維芳  敬上

02-2737-6786 (校內分機:6786)


Call for 2023 ITB-NTUST Proposals

Call for Proposal (“CFP”) for Joint Research Program between National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (“NTUST”) and Institut Teknologi Bandung (“ITB”)


  1. Purpose

This program promotes mutual cooperative research between NTUST and ITB in order to enhance the research result in international society establishing international industry-academic alliance with overseas universities, institutions and companies. Thus, the program aims to acquire competitive /external funds and publish international joint papers.

  1. Funding

Fund for each research team shall be equally provided by ITB and NTUST, the total amount does not exceed  500,000 TWD (NTUST250,000 TWD / ITB118,000,000 IDR).


  1. Period of Joint Research Project Execution2023/1/1 ~ 2023/12/31

  1. Topics for Collaborative Research

The research topics are not limited. It is open to any category.

  1. Applicant Qualification

Applicants who were accepted in the past and fall under the following circumstances are not eligible:

  1. The last year’s joint research project is not completed or the final report is not submitted yet.
  2. After the project is completed, no SCI, SSCI and A&HCI papers related this joint research project are published within 2 years.

6.    Structure of Research Team

Any research project shall consist of a research group from both parties. Principal investigator (PI) from each research group may have any other researchers or graduate students as team members.

The Project may have a researcher(s) from a third party organization if the both Parties agree.

  1. Assessment and Selection Committee

Assessment and Selection Committee (“ASC”) consists of faculty members from NTUST and ITB. ASC members assess, select the proposals and approve the budget for the accepted projects. ASC members participate in report meetings and monitors the progress of each project and evaluates.

  1. Constraints on the Use of Funding

Each university shall be responsible for the management of its own research fund in accordance with each financial rules. The funds shall be used in accordance with each financial rule. The fund can be used for travel, the expense related report meeting, equipment, consumable products, remuneration to students, and miscellaneous expenses. The fund can be used only from Jan. 1, 2023 through Dec. 31, 2023.

  1. Application Procedures

For ITB:Application must be prepared in English and submitted to MyPPM (https://myppm.itb.ac.id/).

For NTUST:Application must be prepared in English and email to b10207@mail.ntust.edu.tw.

  1. Application Deadline

The application must be filed no later than 5 pm, Nov. 4, 2022.       

  1. Joint Conference (Report Meeting)                                          

PIs from NTUST and ITB must attend final report meeting.

For the report meeting, the student can attend. However, the presentation should be conducted by PIs.

  1. Reports 

A joint final report must be submitted within 2 months after the project is completed.

  1. Paper

At least one paper based on this joint research program must be published within 2year after the project is completed in a reputable journal with minimum category of Q2 based on SJR (Scimago Journal and rank). Personnel from both Taiwan Tech and ITB must be listed as authors of the aforementioned papers or listed at Acknowledgements of papers in accordance with authorship. The selection of journal should be agreed by both Taiwan Tech and ITB.

  1. Other

Should a PI be unable to continue with the project, the PI may be substituted only upon the consent of the other PI. The new PI shall assume full responsibility of project execution and KPI.

  • Link for application form:

   2023 Cooperative Program Application (ITB-NTUST)
