







  •  計畫主持人需為兩校專任或專案教研人員。



2.本辦法補助之計畫案,除2022年度合作專題研究計畫外,於計畫執行期滿後二年內未有兩校主持人共同合著之SCISSCIA&HCI 論文發表者。

  • 申請教師於同一年度執行跨校學術合作計畫案以不得超過3件為原則(適用本校計畫主持人)



  •  研究人事費:依本校相關規定編列經費,計畫主持人不得支領主持費。
  •  儀器設備費。
  •  業務費。
  •  國際差旅費。


() 兩校主持人應共同完成計畫書,並於期限內分別向所屬學校提出申請。

() 本校教師請於2023731()下午5時前將計畫書電子檔寄送至承辦人信箱 (b10207@mail.ntust.edu.tw 傅維芳,校內分機6786) 。

() 研究計畫凡涉及人體試驗者,應檢附醫學倫理暨人體試驗委員會核准文件一份;涉及基因重組相關實驗者,應檢附生物實驗安全委員會核准之基因重組實驗申請同意書一份;涉及動物實驗者,應檢附動物試驗委員會同意書一份。


  •  研究團隊之表現與執行計畫能力研究團隊及執行計畫相關之兩校人員具備足夠的技能及知識,能夠成功執行擬議的研究計畫,研究團隊是否同意共同進行此計畫執行。
  •  計畫主題之重要性與創新性
  1. 研究內容在本領域或跨領域推動知識和理解的重要性。
  2. 研究內容在本領域或跨領域的創新性。
  3. 研究內容提出及開發原創概念的多寡。
  •  研究內容與方法之可行性
  1. 研究內容的構想和組織。
  2. 研究內容是否明確描述目標和預期問題。
  3. 所提出的方法是否適合解決潛在(甚至現有的)問題。
  •  預計成果與貢獻
  1. 是否增進不同科學與工程領域間研究議題的瞭解或發展。
  2. 是否有助於提升兩校的學術地位(例如於高影響因子期刊上發表論文)
  3. 是否有助於推動兩國產業發展。


    () 計畫執行結束後,應依規定完成經費結報並繳交成果報告,始為結案。

    () 成果報告應於2025228日前繳交,以作為日後申請審議之參考。

    () 計畫執行期間內,如任一方主持人因故無法繼續執行計畫,應取得另一方計畫主持人及校方同意後始得變更計畫主持人,新任計畫主持人應負擔計畫執行之所有責任與相關KPI


() 計畫執行期滿二年內(20261231日前),兩校主持人須共同發表SCISSCIA&HCI論文。

() 論文發表應由兩校計畫主持人分別擔任第一作者或通訊作者;若計畫成果有多篇論文發表,共同主持人之列名及排序參酌其參與程度決定;其餘作者排序由共同參與之研究人員依實際參與貢獻程度協商後決定。

  •  發表研究成果時,若該研究計畫由布拉格捷克理工大學方主導,請註明『布拉格捷克理工大學與臺灣科技大學學術合作專題研究計畫經費補助』,英文全名為 Czech Technical University in Prague - National Taiwan University of Science and Technology Joint Research Program (CTU-NTUST-No. XXXX),簡稱為CTU-NTUST Joint Research Program。若該研究計畫由國立臺灣科技大學方主導,請註明『臺灣科技大學與布拉格捷克理工大學學術合作專題研究計畫經費補助』,英文全名為National Taiwan University of Science and Technology - Czech Technical University in Prague Joint Research Program (NTUST-CTU-No. XXXX),簡稱為NTUST-CTU Joint Research Program







Call for Proposal (CFP) for 2024 Collaborative Research Project between National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (NTUST) and  Czech Technical University in Prague (CTU)

  1. Purpose and Applicant Qualification

NTUST and CTU have agreed to conduct a mutual collaboration to aim at promoting their research work and achievements to the international academic and industrial societies.

As such, researchers from both universities are encouraged to submit proposals for collaborative research projects. By definition, any collaborative research project should be conducted by researchers and personnel from both NTUST and CTU.

Applications for the current grant will not be accepted under either circumstance:

  1.  Previous conducted collaborative research project (excluding the 2022 collaborative research project) is not completed or the final report is not submitted yet.
  2.  No associated SCI, SSCI, or A&HCI papers are published within two years after the completion of the previous conducted collaborative research project (excluding the 2022 collaborative research project).


  1. Assessment and Selection Committee

An Assessment and Selection Committee (ASC), which consists of deans and executives from NTUST and CTU, supervises the procedures for the review, assessment, and the selection of the proposed research projects. The ASC is also in charge of the allocation of funding to the approved research projects.

  1. Topics for collaborative research

The research topics are not limited to any category.

  1. Structure of research team

Each research team should consist of one principal investigator (PI) from NTUST and one PI from CTU. Inclusion of students and other personnel is optional.

  1. Constraints on the use of funding

The funding to each research team is limited to 500,000 NTD or equivalently 400,000 CZK (NTUST group: up to 250,000 TWD, CTU group: up to 200,000 CZK). The funding cannot be used as the personal income of the PIs. The funding can be used for travel, equipment, consumable products, personal income to students, and miscellaneous expenses.

  1. Application procedures

To apply for the research grant, an application form and a project proposal must be submitted to:

-- Office of Research and Development (ORD), by the NTUST counterpart

-- Dept. of Science and Research, CTU Rectorate, by the CTU counterpart

Please notice that both the submission to NTUST and to CTU must be performed in parallel. The applicants can find the application form in the attachment of this CFP announcement.

  1. Application deadline and project Execution

The application should be filed no later than July 31, 2023.

Period of Joint Research Project Execution2024/1/1 ~ 2024/12/31

  1. Contact person

The contact persons are, respectively,

-- CTU: Mr. Karel Zebrakovsky, Dept. of Science and Research, CTU Rectorate, tel.420-737 515175

-- NTUST: Ms. Fu, Wei-Fang, TEL: 02-2737-6786, Service-center of Project Affairs, ORD

  1. Notification on approved projects

The applicants will be notified regarding the status of their project, including whether it is approved and (if approved) the amount of funding, approximately within three months after the application deadline.

  1. Reports

A final report should be submitted by 2025/02/28.

  1. Paper submission and publication

At least one paper derived from this collaborative research should be published by 2026/12/31. Personnel from both NTUST and CTU should appear in the list of authors of the afore-mentioned papers.

  1. Review criteria for Proposal for Joint Research Project

(1) Qualification of research team

    1.  Does the joint research team, combined with relevant NTUST/CTU staff expertise, possess the breadth and depth of skill/knowledge to successfully perform the proposed research and drive progress as outlined in the proposal?
    2.  Will the research team commit themselves to carry out this project?

(2) Originality and scientific/technological merits

    1.  How important is the proposed research project to advancing knowledge and understanding within its own field or across different fields?
    2.  How important is it to developing new technologies within its own field or across different fields?
    3.  To what extent does the proposed activity suggest and explore creative and original concepts?

(3) Quality of project and appropriateness of method

  1.  How well conceived and organized is the proposed research project?
  2.  Does the proposal describe the goal and expected problems clearly?
  3.  Are the proposed methods appropriate for solving the potential (or even existing) problems?

(4) Expected achievement and contribution

  1.  Will the proposed research advance understanding or development of issues pertaining to various fields of science and engineering?
  2.  Will it generate results that enhance the academic status of NTUST and CTU (for example, by publishing papers in high impact-factor journals)?
  3.  Will it help in advancing the industry of Czech Republic and/or Taiwan?

Link for application form

Application Form for 2024 Cooperative Research Project CTU-NTUST

傅維芳 Fu, Wei Fang

Service-center of Project Affairs, Office of R&D

研究發展處 計畫業務服務中心


